Monday, April 20, 2009

Basic Steps to Start a Blog

STEP 1: Find a host
STEP 2: Post your contents
STEP 3: Publish your Blog
STEP 4: Bring Revenue Stream


STEP 1:- Find a host

Now that have the basic knowledge about the Blog and Blogging, let’s start with first gear.
Find a web host for you.
You have two options, either you can a free web hosting site or you can have the paid one. If you are reading my Blog then I am sure you must be the new bees, so it’s better to start with a free web hosting site.
I am telling you why. Reason one is that since you are new to this field so it’s a very good possibility that your first one or two Blogs might get unnoticed [though I pray to god that this should happen to ].For me free is still the better option.anybody [

If you select a free Blog, your Blog name will be like , here I am assuming that you have selected the free service by and if you select a paid web site hosting service then your Blog name would be like , no doubt it sound more appealing, but it had some cost too. You need to buy a domain for it and that will not cost you less than 100$ per year so what you think better option is?

List of free Blog domains:-

1. A great starting site to get a taste of Blogging, very easy to use.
2. Not only can you install WordPress on your own sites; you can use the same software on their site and save yourself all of the technical work.
3. Offers free Blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.
4. Allows you to Blog, host photos & videos, and podcasts.
5. European based Blogging site, offers 30-day trial and subscription thereafter, but offers quite a bit of storage.
6. Offers free image hosting in addition to free Blogs.
7. Free Blog hosting with RSS feeds and more.
8. A platform for creating Blogs with a focus on generating traffic.
9. Windows Live Spaces: - Free Blogging with your MSN account, only drawback is readers have to have an account also.
10. Free Blog hosting with 250MB of free storage.

List of paid hosting domains:-


STEP 2: Post your contents

After selecting the host, paid or free whichever was your choice, the next step is to paste your contents. Remember your content should be such that if any of the target audience start reading it, he or she should at least read it once. And if you are lucky enough, they will come back to your page again and again, and the word of mouth will spread. This should be your ]. After all repeat customer is the bread and butter of many and manytarget [ multinationals.

Your content should be free of grammatical errors; everything should be in a chronological manner such that everything is linked to each other and last but not least interesting enough to hold the audience.

The one question that should come into your mind is what should be the length of the content??? Well my answer is it should not be short enough to last only for few of the seconds and it should not be long enough too long, or your reader might get irritated.
Never use repeat sentence again and again or you yourself would be the killer of the beauty of your content.

Put the most relevant things in the most relevant manner and avoid content only for the sake of filling the space. This is the mistake that most of the new Bloggers usually do.
Infact this is the mistake that I have made with many of my earlier Blogs.

STEP 3: Publish your Blog; start earning money.

Now here comes the hen with golden eggs. Once you have completed the first two basic steps, its time to publish your Blog. Its better to take your full time or I should have said, its better to do your homework, before going online, full fledge. Nobody wants to comeback to incomplete Blog. Your Blog should be complete in every sense.

Select the template that is best suited to your content and your design. The design should such that it would be able to communicate your thought to many people, without much of the hassle.

How Blog Can Make You Earn Money:-

Let me start from the basic. You will start your Blog, you will use some advertisement and affiliated program, readers will come to your Blog, and they will read your Blog, they will click on your advertisement and affiliated program and you will earn money. Simple??? Yes it is.

Advertising Programs:-

If you are looking to make money from your Blogs, then options are many. Many advertisement programs are waiting for you. Perhaps ADSENSE is known to all of those. It’s a google affiliated advertising program. The basic of advertise programs is still the same, your readers will come to your Blog, they will read your Blog and if they also click on your add, you will get paid for it. Other advertising programs that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMinimalls, WidgetBucks and TextLink Ads. You can either use any of these or a combination of these ads.

RSS Advertising:-

RSS advertisement can also be used for some extra earning. People are not using it frequently; however it has the same potential as the other advertising program like adsense or Chitika’s eMinimalls, WidgetBucks or TextLink Ads whichever may be.


This is a very new concept in the world of Blogging but has huge potential. In the beginning don’t expect it to happen to your Blog, but as the time passes by and you have your own identity in the world of Blogging, you can expect people to come to your Blog, for sponsorship. Another form of sponsorship is that you might be invited to write on something for others.

Affiliate Programs:-

An affiliate program varies from larger one to smaller one. Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction to name a few. But there are many left still need to be explored.

Digital rights:-

You can also sell your digital rights like an expert advice, or may be some course material. However that only can happens with time, once you have a good name for yourself.

Blog Networking:-

With more and more Blogs and websites are coming your way on every other day, the more opportunity you will be getting. This could be in form of writing for other Blog most of the times, but again, it will take time, don’t expect yourself with lods of offer coming your way on every other day.


You must have seen tip jars and donation button on every other websites. This could also be a good source of your income. But the mistake that many Blogers are making is instead of given something to the readers, they are becoming the full time money raiser. Don’t do this and first give something to your reader, then only expect something out of him.


The printed T-shirt of your Blog, or may be cup of coffee with name of your Blog on it is the nice example, how one can go for extra bucks while Blogging.

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