Thursday, April 16, 2009

What To Write?

-What would be the best topic to start a Blog? It necessarily should have a possibility of making some money... also what technology should one use to start a Blog ?

- Best Answer is “Any thing that you feel you are good in”.
- Anything, even if you are not good in. For example the first Blog that I write was of travel, and I hardly traveled anywhere!!!!. Your written stuff be interesting enough to make the visitor to stay for a while, for few min at least, than you did your job superbly.

- You have two choices, either you can swim with the flow or you can swim against the flow. You can write anything about a general topic or you have the choice to think out of the box and write something about which is not usual and readily available everywhere.

Every coin has two facet, Writing on a general topic is not one of the most difficult task, You can write anything on the general topic but don’t forget that there are thousands and thousands of quality sites and Blogs, available for the same. So no matter how good a writer and Blog designer you are, you can’t compete with these alligators, a new Blogger will always be a small fish, at least for the starting phases.


I hope You will me follow me here-

Measure the Topic Popularity:-
It’s a thumb rule that one should always choose the narrowest of the topic if one wants to get the search engines pointed towards your Blog, but at the same time don’t choose such topic for which you are the only reader ; while deciding the topic, the topic should be such that it meets the demand of information.

Topic Competition and Narrow Niches:-

Another way to increase your profit is to write on the topic for which only very few quality information are available. If you think there are no such topics then you are wrong. “It’s better to be a big fish in small pound rather than a small fish in big pound”.

Availability of Revenue Streams:-

Ok so you’ve found a topic people search for and you don’t have much competition - but you’ll never turn a profit on it if you don’t find an income stream for it. Anyone who has played with contextual advertising programs like Adsense knows that some topics pay higher amounts for a click on an advertisement than others. As a result two Blogs with the same levels of traffic with the same rate of clicking through (CTR) on ads can pay significantly different amounts of money.

Availability of content:-

Before starting Blog on new topic always remember to have a little bit of research, so that you know if you are able to sustain in the long run and would be able to paste quality of content in near future???

The main reason of killing of many bolgs is that the writer runs out of the information. I am sure you don’t want to be one of them.

Self evaluation:-

Before starting a Blog don’t forget to measure yourself in contrast with the topic and content. If the chosen topic is the one with which will motivate you always to write all the time? If this is the case then you have chosen the right topic and you can go ahead.

I am suggesting you some topics ,you can always rely on yours’ own too.

Some General Topics-
1. General News 9. Family 17. Religion
2. Art and photos 10. Humor 18. Real state
3. Books 11. Music 19. Self Improvement
4. Jobs 12. Health and Fitness 20. Technology & science
5. Business 13. Sports 21. Travel
6. Do-it-yourself 14. Money 22. Television
7. Environment 15. Pets 23. Video Games
8. Food 16. Politics 24. Video

Few Niche Topics:-

1 How I Use Face book 34 What I Spend Money On 67 Tools for Blogging
2 Ways I Embrace My Audience 35 Do Rock Stars Need Social Media Strategies 68 Wordpress Plugins I Use And Why
3 Should My Town Use Social Media? 36 How I Use My Website 69 Media Topics That Need More Coverage
4 A Community I Love 37 Book Shopping- Buy These Books 70 Comments versus Blog Posts
5 Technology That Empowers Me 38 MTV Changed the World in the 80s- Here is What Comes Next 71 How I Drive Traffic to My Site
6 How Flicker Did it Right 39 How I Process Blogs and What I Do With All That Info 72 News- Is it Useful and How I Might Fix It
7 How Best to Comment on a Corporate Blog 40 Ten Guilty Pleasures 73 Which TV Network Gets VideoBlogging and PodCasting
8 Ways to Save a Bad Time at a Conference 41 The Internet Application I Haven’t Seen 74 Franchising My Media
9 How I Find Blogging Ideas 42 If I Worked for a Venture Capital Firm 75 Handling Critics
10 Somebody Has to Say It 43 My Day Job Versus My Passion 76 My Audio Tricks
11 My Children Will Do it Differently 44 The Difference Between Fark and Truemors 77 Ning Sites I Like and Why
12 How Schools Could Use Social Media 45 Fixing Conferences 78 Controlling My Brand
13 The Best Parts of Marketing 46 Making Marketplaces for Media Makers 79 Sharing and Contributing
14 Presentation Skills for a New Conversation 47 When I Feel Frustrated 80 How Twitter Improved My Blog
15 How I Find Time to Make Media 48 Branding Strategies I Use 81 Email After Twitter
16 Empower Your Best Customers 49 Your Ideas And My Ideas- How We Play Together 82 Facebook Video Improved My Social Network
17 After the Event- Carrying the Conversation Forward 50 Friends I Cant Wait to Meet 83 Letting Go
18 Just Jump Into Pod casting- Heres How 51 The Art of Chaos 84 Downtime- What I Do Offline to Recharge
19 My Community and How You Can Engage It 52 Telling My Boss About Social Media 85 How I Went From Very Shy to Less Shy
20 Twitter Jaiku Pownce Face book- And Then What 53 Could I Quit My Day Job 86 The RIGHT Number to Track for Podcasting
21 Making a Miniseries 54 When to Cut Back on Web Habits 87 PodCamp Has to Change
22 If I Were an Advertiser Today 55 Breaking Down My Favorite Blog 88 Shaking Things Up
23 My Mother is On Facebook 56 Explaining Social Media to Your Chamber of Commerce 89 Joining A Network- Things to Consider
24 Does a Big Brand Need You 57 Non-Internet Equivalents to Internet Tools I Use 90 Newspapers and How I Would Change Them
25 Books I Want to Write 58 Considering Media for the Rest of the Globe 91 Interview With a Veteran
26 Serving the Deep Niches- How I Do It 59 Twitter is Too Simple- Twitter is Just Right 92 The Countries of My Social Media World
27 How Women Use Social Media 60 The Future of Podcasting 93 Giving it Away
28 A Hard Look at My Media Habits 61 Video Made Simple 94 Consulting Strategies for Social Media Experts
29 If I Were a Television Producer 62 Facebook Applications I Love 95 Turning Media into a Business Card
30 Social Media Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing 63 You Are Here 96 Podcasting on a Budget
31 Elements of a Marketing Campaign 64 Blogging Tactics- How to Keep it Fresh 97 For Every Excuse a New Strategy
32 Social Media Campaigns are NOT Traditional Campaigns 65 I Want to Brag A Minute 98 Just When I Think I Am Done
33 Idea Making and How I Make Something 66 Who Says What About Your Brand 99 Buying Gear- My Shopping Tips for Podcasters

...Read more

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