Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Work from Home only half an hour daily; Earn Easy Money

Your investment ----- Half an hour daily, no investment.
Yours earning ----- Just scroll down.....
Prerequisite ----- If you can read my words than you can earn too.
You don’t have to be software pro.

Examples ?? PLENTY

c@ [Can’t give the name here without their permission]
1. A Blog by a husband and wife about providing bookmarks is earning around 20,000$ in a month.
2. Blog by a Chinese about Chinese history is earning around 600$ in a day.
3. A student from India has created a Blog about Indian film industry; earning 1000$ a week.
4. A blog about joke and humor sharing by a 45 year old lady, who lost her both legs in an accident is earning around 20$ per hour.

Still Confused ?

-What is a Blog ? It is a “mini or small website.”
-Who can make Blog? Anybody & Everybody, even your dump neighbor can do that!!!
-How?? I will tell you how. If you can do the mouse click, you have the potential to earn thousands of dollars in a month.

For Earning Money Online at your desk, Guaranteed, read http://making-onlinemoney.com/

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Source of earning over the Internet

Source of earning over the Internet: -

For online earning you need to have three things only-

· Common Sense
· Bit of Inelegancy
· Little knowledge of Internet

Remember no money is required!!!

Bloging: Bloging is the most powerful source of earning over the net and making money online. You build a Blog, publish it over the net, signups for advertisement programs, advertise your Blog. Your Part is not over yet, your readers will come, reads your blog, and few of them will click on your ads. The more clicks you can get, the more money you will make. The more you will earn. I have describes the working of Adsence in my other post already. You can have a look to have the better idea about it in Get Paid Through Adsence.

Affiliate Programs:

The other powerful source of earning over the net is your affiliations with such program. You will be working a sales person for these programs and you will get the sales commission on successful sale. There are few programs that even pay you for bringing the inquiries as well other than the sales commissions.
Read more in Earn Through Affiliate Programs.

Surveys: Your views can be good for someone, even if you are a student or a housewife or professional, no matter what field you are in. Because it’s the common people for which the product are being designed. You will sign up for them, see which surrey you can participate in. Go through that survey, your earning can be varying from few cents to few hundred dollars, another useful mean to earn and make money online.
Read More in Paid Surveys

Write for someone else: - There are plenty of blogs or web sites, that pay will pay you , and pay you handsomely if will you write for them. Search through a list of Opportunities, make a blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid. It's that simple. You can easily make $500 a month or more!
Read more in Get Paid For Your Post.

Earn Through Free Lancing:- You need money, they need your work, so simple is that. Freelancing is one of THE happening things over the net at this point of time. There are few portals where plenty of part time or full time projects or jobs are available. Depending upon your skills, your income will vary. The jobs available here are Data entry, Filing forms, bulk opening of email accounts, and some technical projects for techy people to name a few.
Read more in Earn Through Free Lancing.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Basic Steps to Start a Blog

STEP 1: Find a host
STEP 2: Post your contents
STEP 3: Publish your Blog
STEP 4: Bring Revenue Stream


STEP 1:- Find a host

Now that have the basic knowledge about the Blog and Blogging, let’s start with first gear.
Find a web host for you.
You have two options, either you can a free web hosting site or you can have the paid one. If you are reading my Blog then I am sure you must be the new bees, so it’s better to start with a free web hosting site.
I am telling you why. Reason one is that since you are new to this field so it’s a very good possibility that your first one or two Blogs might get unnoticed [though I pray to god that this should happen to ].For me free is still the better option.anybody [

If you select a free Blog, your Blog name will be like xyz.Blogspot.com , here I am assuming that you have selected the free service by Blogspot.com and if you select a paid web site hosting service then your Blog name would be like xyz.com , no doubt it sound more appealing, but it had some cost too. You need to buy a domain for it and that will not cost you less than 100$ per year so what you think better option is?

List of free Blog domains:-

1. Blogger.com:- A great starting site to get a taste of Blogging, very easy to use.
2. www.wordpress.com:- Not only can you install WordPress on your own sites; you can use the same software on their site and save yourself all of the technical work.
3. Blog.com:- Offers free Blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.
4. Blogr.com:- Allows you to Blog, host photos & videos, and podcasts.
5. BlogSpirit.com:- European based Blogging site, offers 30-day trial and subscription thereafter, but offers quite a bit of storage.
6. Blogster.com:- Offers free image hosting in addition to free Blogs.
7. Bravenet.com:- Free Blog hosting with RSS feeds and more.
8. SoulCast.com:- A platform for creating Blogs with a focus on generating traffic.
9. Windows Live Spaces: - Free Blogging with your MSN account, only drawback is readers have to have an account also.
10. Zoomshare.com:- Free Blog hosting with 250MB of free storage.

List of paid hosting domains:-

1. www.inmotion.com
2. www.webhostingpad.com
3. www.hostmonster.com
4. www.hostpapa.com
5. www.bluehost.com
6. www.hostgator.com
7. www.vistapages.com
8. www.anhosting.com
9. www.lunarpages.com
10. www.yahoohosting.com

STEP 2: Post your contents

After selecting the host, paid or free whichever was your choice, the next step is to paste your contents. Remember your content should be such that if any of the target audience start reading it, he or she should at least read it once. And if you are lucky enough, they will come back to your page again and again, and the word of mouth will spread. This should be your ]. After all repeat customer is the bread and butter of many and manytarget [ multinationals.

Your content should be free of grammatical errors; everything should be in a chronological manner such that everything is linked to each other and last but not least interesting enough to hold the audience.

The one question that should come into your mind is what should be the length of the content??? Well my answer is it should not be short enough to last only for few of the seconds and it should not be long enough too long, or your reader might get irritated.
Never use repeat sentence again and again or you yourself would be the killer of the beauty of your content.

Put the most relevant things in the most relevant manner and avoid content only for the sake of filling the space. This is the mistake that most of the new Bloggers usually do.
Infact this is the mistake that I have made with many of my earlier Blogs.

STEP 3: Publish your Blog; start earning money.

Now here comes the hen with golden eggs. Once you have completed the first two basic steps, its time to publish your Blog. Its better to take your full time or I should have said, its better to do your homework, before going online, full fledge. Nobody wants to comeback to incomplete Blog. Your Blog should be complete in every sense.

Select the template that is best suited to your content and your design. The design should such that it would be able to communicate your thought to many people, without much of the hassle.

How Blog Can Make You Earn Money:-

Let me start from the basic. You will start your Blog, you will use some advertisement and affiliated program, readers will come to your Blog, and they will read your Blog, they will click on your advertisement and affiliated program and you will earn money. Simple??? Yes it is.

Advertising Programs:-

If you are looking to make money from your Blogs, then options are many. Many advertisement programs are waiting for you. Perhaps ADSENSE is known to all of those. It’s a google affiliated advertising program. The basic of advertise programs is still the same, your readers will come to your Blog, they will read your Blog and if they also click on your add, you will get paid for it. Other advertising programs that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMinimalls, WidgetBucks and TextLink Ads. You can either use any of these or a combination of these ads.

RSS Advertising:-

RSS advertisement can also be used for some extra earning. People are not using it frequently; however it has the same potential as the other advertising program like adsense or Chitika’s eMinimalls, WidgetBucks or TextLink Ads whichever may be.


This is a very new concept in the world of Blogging but has huge potential. In the beginning don’t expect it to happen to your Blog, but as the time passes by and you have your own identity in the world of Blogging, you can expect people to come to your Blog, for sponsorship. Another form of sponsorship is that you might be invited to write on something for others.

Affiliate Programs:-

An affiliate program varies from larger one to smaller one. Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction to name a few. But there are many left still need to be explored.

Digital rights:-

You can also sell your digital rights like an expert advice, or may be some course material. However that only can happens with time, once you have a good name for yourself.

Blog Networking:-

With more and more Blogs and websites are coming your way on every other day, the more opportunity you will be getting. This could be in form of writing for other Blog most of the times, but again, it will take time, don’t expect yourself with lods of offer coming your way on every other day.


You must have seen tip jars and donation button on every other websites. This could also be a good source of your income. But the mistake that many Blogers are making is instead of given something to the readers, they are becoming the full time money raiser. Don’t do this and first give something to your reader, then only expect something out of him.


The printed T-shirt of your Blog, or may be cup of coffee with name of your Blog on it is the nice example, how one can go for extra bucks while Blogging.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why am I writing this Blog?

Bloging is beautiful; help you earning few bucks, but confusing at times, specially for new ones.
I been into this trade since quite long, earned some money, but mind it; it certainly was not an easy task. The lesson that I have learned “Play it smart rather than playing hard”.

Are you willing to get a head start? You will have it, right here, without getting confused, without scratching your head. You don’t have to look in the heap of the grass for a safety pin.

Before the start, ask yourself. It just simply your hubby, or you want earn something out of it. If yes, then you need to look the ways and means to get the maximum out of it. Even the tiniest of the rule of the game can bring a lot to you. Each and everything to be at their optimum level. What to write, what not to write, where to get the income source, how to bring the readers, where to put publish about your Blog, how to publish, in short how will you be earning the money, sounds good? I am sure yes :)

Yes, I can feel your curiosity about the “how much I can earn?” Well my answer is as much as you want. There are many bogs, YES many and when I am saying many I really mean many; there are thousands of Blogs, earning more than 1000$ in a week.

These are the Blogs by people like you and me, for the people like you and me, not to mention the professionals who are earning millions in a year.

Next thing bubbling out is where to start from and if it is too late to start?

Right now and it’s never too late. There are billions and billions of websites and most of them are earning so why can’t you??? Just follow me and you will be rising to the top.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

What is a Blog?

Lets put the things in order. First thing first, what is Blog???

Your Blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

In simplest of the words, a Blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.

“A Blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a Blog is “Blogging” and someone who keeps a Blog is a “Blogger.” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the Blog. Postings on a Blog are almost always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominently.”

“A Blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term Blog is a shortened form of weBlog or web log. Authoring a Blog, maintaining a Blog or adding an article to an existing Blog is called “Blogging”. Individual articles on a Blog are called “Blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. A person who posts these entries is called a “Blogger”. A Blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files). Blogs use a conversational style of documentation. Often Blogs focus on a particular “area of interest”, such as Washington, D.C.’s political goings-on. Some Blogs discuss personal experiences.”

“A weBlog is kind of a continual tour, with a human guide who you get to know. There are many guides to choose from, each develops an audience, and there’s also camaraderie and politics between the people who run weBlogs, they point to each other, in all kinds of structures, graphs, loops, etc.”

“A Blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.”
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

What To Write?

-What would be the best topic to start a Blog? It necessarily should have a possibility of making some money... also what technology should one use to start a Blog ?

- Best Answer is “Any thing that you feel you are good in”.
- Anything, even if you are not good in. For example the first Blog that I write was of travel, and I hardly traveled anywhere!!!!. Your written stuff be interesting enough to make the visitor to stay for a while, for few min at least, than you did your job superbly.

- You have two choices, either you can swim with the flow or you can swim against the flow. You can write anything about a general topic or you have the choice to think out of the box and write something about which is not usual and readily available everywhere.

Every coin has two facet, Writing on a general topic is not one of the most difficult task, You can write anything on the general topic but don’t forget that there are thousands and thousands of quality sites and Blogs, available for the same. So no matter how good a writer and Blog designer you are, you can’t compete with these alligators, a new Blogger will always be a small fish, at least for the starting phases.


I hope You will me follow me here-

Measure the Topic Popularity:-
It’s a thumb rule that one should always choose the narrowest of the topic if one wants to get the search engines pointed towards your Blog, but at the same time don’t choose such topic for which you are the only reader ; while deciding the topic, the topic should be such that it meets the demand of information.

Topic Competition and Narrow Niches:-

Another way to increase your profit is to write on the topic for which only very few quality information are available. If you think there are no such topics then you are wrong. “It’s better to be a big fish in small pound rather than a small fish in big pound”.

Availability of Revenue Streams:-

Ok so you’ve found a topic people search for and you don’t have much competition - but you’ll never turn a profit on it if you don’t find an income stream for it. Anyone who has played with contextual advertising programs like Adsense knows that some topics pay higher amounts for a click on an advertisement than others. As a result two Blogs with the same levels of traffic with the same rate of clicking through (CTR) on ads can pay significantly different amounts of money.

Availability of content:-

Before starting Blog on new topic always remember to have a little bit of research, so that you know if you are able to sustain in the long run and would be able to paste quality of content in near future???

The main reason of killing of many bolgs is that the writer runs out of the information. I am sure you don’t want to be one of them.

Self evaluation:-

Before starting a Blog don’t forget to measure yourself in contrast with the topic and content. If the chosen topic is the one with which will motivate you always to write all the time? If this is the case then you have chosen the right topic and you can go ahead.

I am suggesting you some topics ,you can always rely on yours’ own too.

Some General Topics-
1. General News 9. Family 17. Religion
2. Art and photos 10. Humor 18. Real state
3. Books 11. Music 19. Self Improvement
4. Jobs 12. Health and Fitness 20. Technology & science
5. Business 13. Sports 21. Travel
6. Do-it-yourself 14. Money 22. Television
7. Environment 15. Pets 23. Video Games
8. Food 16. Politics 24. Video

Few Niche Topics:-

1 How I Use Face book 34 What I Spend Money On 67 Tools for Blogging
2 Ways I Embrace My Audience 35 Do Rock Stars Need Social Media Strategies 68 Wordpress Plugins I Use And Why
3 Should My Town Use Social Media? 36 How I Use My Website 69 Media Topics That Need More Coverage
4 A Community I Love 37 Book Shopping- Buy These Books 70 Comments versus Blog Posts
5 Technology That Empowers Me 38 MTV Changed the World in the 80s- Here is What Comes Next 71 How I Drive Traffic to My Site
6 How Flicker Did it Right 39 How I Process Blogs and What I Do With All That Info 72 News- Is it Useful and How I Might Fix It
7 How Best to Comment on a Corporate Blog 40 Ten Guilty Pleasures 73 Which TV Network Gets VideoBlogging and PodCasting
8 Ways to Save a Bad Time at a Conference 41 The Internet Application I Haven’t Seen 74 Franchising My Media
9 How I Find Blogging Ideas 42 If I Worked for a Venture Capital Firm 75 Handling Critics
10 Somebody Has to Say It 43 My Day Job Versus My Passion 76 My Audio Tricks
11 My Children Will Do it Differently 44 The Difference Between Fark and Truemors 77 Ning Sites I Like and Why
12 How Schools Could Use Social Media 45 Fixing Conferences 78 Controlling My Brand
13 The Best Parts of Marketing 46 Making Marketplaces for Media Makers 79 Sharing and Contributing
14 Presentation Skills for a New Conversation 47 When I Feel Frustrated 80 How Twitter Improved My Blog
15 How I Find Time to Make Media 48 Branding Strategies I Use 81 Email After Twitter
16 Empower Your Best Customers 49 Your Ideas And My Ideas- How We Play Together 82 Facebook Video Improved My Social Network
17 After the Event- Carrying the Conversation Forward 50 Friends I Cant Wait to Meet 83 Letting Go
18 Just Jump Into Pod casting- Heres How 51 The Art of Chaos 84 Downtime- What I Do Offline to Recharge
19 My Community and How You Can Engage It 52 Telling My Boss About Social Media 85 How I Went From Very Shy to Less Shy
20 Twitter Jaiku Pownce Face book- And Then What 53 Could I Quit My Day Job 86 The RIGHT Number to Track for Podcasting
21 Making a Miniseries 54 When to Cut Back on Web Habits 87 PodCamp Has to Change
22 If I Were an Advertiser Today 55 Breaking Down My Favorite Blog 88 Shaking Things Up
23 My Mother is On Facebook 56 Explaining Social Media to Your Chamber of Commerce 89 Joining A Network- Things to Consider
24 Does a Big Brand Need You 57 Non-Internet Equivalents to Internet Tools I Use 90 Newspapers and How I Would Change Them
25 Books I Want to Write 58 Considering Media for the Rest of the Globe 91 Interview With a Veteran
26 Serving the Deep Niches- How I Do It 59 Twitter is Too Simple- Twitter is Just Right 92 The Countries of My Social Media World
27 How Women Use Social Media 60 The Future of Podcasting 93 Giving it Away
28 A Hard Look at My Media Habits 61 Video Made Simple 94 Consulting Strategies for Social Media Experts
29 If I Were a Television Producer 62 Facebook Applications I Love 95 Turning Media into a Business Card
30 Social Media Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing 63 You Are Here 96 Podcasting on a Budget
31 Elements of a Marketing Campaign 64 Blogging Tactics- How to Keep it Fresh 97 For Every Excuse a New Strategy
32 Social Media Campaigns are NOT Traditional Campaigns 65 I Want to Brag A Minute 98 Just When I Think I Am Done
33 Idea Making and How I Make Something 66 Who Says What About Your Brand 99 Buying Gear- My Shopping Tips for Podcasters

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Friday, April 10, 2009

ADSENSE, The most powerful source of Income

Adsense is a Google affiliated advertising add program. There are numbers of advertising program out there, but still the best of all is adsence, the very basic reason for your presence here, easy earning money, hence adsence is the best you can get.

• And to start earning money, you only need to have a Blog.
• You will register your Blog for the adsense program at www.google.com/adsense .
• Google will accept your’s registration.
• You will start publishing the adds on your Blog.
• Your readers will come to your Blog; they will read your adsense advertisements.
• You will start receiving the money in your account.
• Once your account will reach 100 $, you will get the money either in your account or in form of check, choice is yours ].[

Why AdSense?

First, because AdSense is a very simple and proven solution that already pays for hundreds of thousands of Blogs/websites across the world!

Also, AdSense is provided to you by Google which not only makes it reliable but also trustworthy. Once you have earned money from Google, you can actually trust them to pay it to you!
Finally, because the ads will be contextual, i.e. they will be relevant to the content of your Blog/site. This way, your visitors will not be offended for seeing the ads on your site.


1. Can I choose exact adds and color of my add?
Yes one can choose the exact adds and choice of your favorite color of your adds. You can decide where you want your viewers to view these ads.

2. Once I sign for google adsense, how can I incorporate these ads to my Blog?
You just copy/paste the AdSense code from Google into your Blog template.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Make Money and Get Paid Through Adsence

I can say with ease that earning and making money online, and that is without scratching your head, is an easy task now, in fact never been so easy before.

What is ADSENSE:

Adsense is the major and the biggest source of Google’s income. Google earn most of its revenue by publishing advertise on the WebPages of site owners. This program is know as AdWords.

Now you can also have share of the revenue that Google earn from their advertiser by displaying their adds on your WebPages, in other words, you have provided Google more play ground to play, given them your pages to display their AdWords and in return, Google will pay you some percentage of the income.


Why Google is Paying us:

From above one may think that Google has gone crazy!! And given away money for nothing, but thing is that they are the smartest people around here. They are charging the advertiser for advertise their product, services through web pages and the more pages an add can get for display the better it is for Google, the better it is for the advertiser, as they will get more coverage and scope, and so as for you as may earn a handful amount in return.

Step-by-Step approach on starts earning money through Adsense:

Even before building a website, my sincere suggestion is that you should come up with a topic that is of yours’ utter interest, this way you will always be motivated from inside to update the information and content. The more information you can provide, the higher would be your readers, and the higher would be your income.

Step 1: Create a web site or a Blog :

To start earning, you need to have a website. If don’t want to have one paid domain, you should always look for free domain, or in simple words if you don’t want to have a paid website, you should look for free services provider.
To name a few free web space provider-
Few more can be tested-

Paid web space provider –


Step 2: Join Adsense

Before joining Adsense make sure that your website or Blog must be having the following-
· Your web site must be having substantial amount of information.
· In long run, make sure your content should be original.
· Make sure your Blog must be having “About Me” section. This should be having some basic information about you.
· Your web site must be easy to follow and navigate. It should structured in neat and clean manner.
· Make sure your web site must be having at least 5-10 pages.
· Make sure it should be exact copy of some one page.
You already have that all?? What you waiting for?? Login to www.adsense.com and apply for Adsense. Usually it takes 48 hours for Google to approve your web site.

Step 3 : Advertise your Website or Blog

After your Blog get approved for advertise program, your very next job is to give exposure to your Blog. It is essential for building viewer ship, follow ship and hence the revenue. In the long run the better listing you got in Google, the better it is for you.

Each time a user search something or a keyword through search engine like Google, Yahoo Search, MSN search, Alta Vista, Free Boat or any other search engine, if you find yourself on high in the page, then consider that you will always get user in abundance.
This is called search engine optimization; I will explain the same in details in my other post.

The one way to improve your ranking is get your Blog register in numerous directories.
Here is the list of few directories, where you have to have your Blog listed. It’s free and won’t charge you anything. Other than free there are paid listing as well, but I recommend you to go for free one.

Google : http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Yahoo : http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Scrub the Web : http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html
Bling : http://www.bing.com/docs/submit.aspx
Exact Seek : http://www.exactseek.com/add.html
Web World : http://www.webworldindex.com/
Viesearch : http://www.viesearch.com/submit.php
Wondex : http://www.wondex.com/submit.php
A1 Web Directory : http://www.a1webdirectory.org/
DMOZ : http://www.dmoz.org/add.html

Other than these, there are plenty more Web Directories/Search Engine, these can easily be found over the net, where you should submit your Web Blog.

Step 4: Updating your Web Blog:

The main reason for failure over the net is lack of patience, and zeal for continuation. Remember, one can’t become millionaire over the night here, but it takes a great amount of effort. My sincere suggestion is once you keep on providing quality information and regular updating to your Blog, at some point of time you will have followers of your Blog. Write an article at least once in a month, advertise it to every possible association of yours, friends, your email address book, your social networking website.
Remember you should always continue to add quality content to your web blog while staying on the course, if you don’t update your Blog regularly, your user may started to loose their interest.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paid Surveys

Members participate in state-of-the-art Web-based surveys about the hottest new technologies and software, e-commerce innovations, business-to-business products and services, and forces driving the global economy. Survey participation is always 100% voluntary, and all information provided remains confidential.
Questions may be single-choice, multiple-choice or open-end. In addition to the client's questions, we ask three demographic questions (gender, age and geographical region) free of charge in every survey.

If you sign up, you will have the opportunity to participate in research studies, provide feedback on existing and new products and services and gain opportunities to get rewarded. Membership is free of charge.
Here are some of the quality survey web sites where you can always earn and make money online.


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Friday, February 20, 2009

Get Paid For Your Post, Write for someone else

Search through a list of Opportunities, make a Blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid. It's that simple. You can easily earn and make money online upto $500 a month or more!

Here are list of some of the quality website which you find quite useful in earning few extra bucks and make money online for you.

Article-Content-King : http://www.article-content-king.com/
· You earn credits when your articles are viewed on the site
· You earn DOUBLE credits when you moderate articles pending approval
· You earn additional credits when your referrals articles are viewed and when they moderate articles.
· Credits can be used to display your own ads, or you can sell them to Article-Content-King.The approximate rate is $2 per 1000 credit.
Qassia : http://admin.qassia.com/revenue

It's very simple. On each of the pages showing intel you have contributed, there are five advertising spaces which belong to you. On your profile page, there are four.
When your ads generate revenue, either when someone clicks on them (in the case of PPC ad networks such as AdSense, or when someone buys the product advertised (in the case of affiliate networks such as LinkShare or ClickBank), the ad network pays you the revenue directly.
Article Codex : http://www.articlecodex.com/#Writers
There are many reasons for submitting your articles to a directory like this one. Recently the most common reason for article submission has been to build high quality links from content rich pages and article codex is perfect for anyone that has this in mind.
Article codex is also a Revenue Sharing Website. After you have signed up if you edit your profile you will see an option to enter in your own Google Adsense ID. When you have entered your own ID it will be displayed in any articles you have submitted 50% of the time.
DotNetSpider : http://www.dotnetspider.com/adsense/
In association with Google, dotnetspider.com has introduced 'AdSense Revenue Sharing Program'. AdSense revenue sharing program allow you to earn revenue for the content you contribute in this site.

They display Google AdSense advertisements in most of their pages. These advertisements are provided by Google. In case of pages which contain content contributed by members, they are sharing 90% of the Google AdSense revenue to the contributing member. One can earn AdSense revenue by posting .NET resources, code snippets, articles etc. Actively participating in the discussion forum and inviting your friends are some of the other ways to earn revenue from Google AdSense revenue sharing program.
Share Your Expertise : - http://www.shareyourexpertise.com/revenue-sharing-opportunities
By strictly adhereing to Google Adsense TOS, They are able to present your Google publisher ID on your content and blog pages. 100% of the revenue generated from your content pages is yours.
Earn By Writing : http://www.earnbywriting.com/
You can join them free and start adding your content on this site and earn Google cash. If you want to earn Adsense revenue from your articles, just give them your Adsense ID and the Google ads with your ID will be placed on all of your article pages. You will get 50% Adsense revenue and will earn money by writing online. It means that your Google ads will get 50% page impressions. The rest of 50% page impressions will be given to the ads of Webmaster.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Earn Through Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs: Several reputed and popular multinational companies run internet based programs for beginners ... from which you could earn and make money online, thousands of rupees a month working at home in your part time. Many around the world are happy working with these well known and established firms on such simple online jobs for years now.

· You DON'T need to buy or sell anything!
· You DON'T need to have an office. Work at home!
· You DON'T need to meet a single person!
· You DON'T need to meet any target or deadline!
· You DON'T need any expert or technical skills!

The affiliate and referral programs too are great to try from time to time because by looking at the potential money making chances of some packages and sites programs over the net, you could easily notice why they have become popular online and among thousands of people and webmasters from all over the web and world because by using minimum amounts of time and investments, you could actually have high commissions and great monthly incomes.

With Affiliate network ads, you can get a text link, which you can implement, directly into an article you write. With some quick HTML code the text link can be an affiliate link you control. Or, you can have an area of your site for certain products. And you can link to whichever affiliate you'd like, wherever you'd like on your page.

Here are list of few affiliate programs that will be another source in helping you earning and will help you make money online.

Site build it: http://affiliates.sitesell.com/
Surefire Marketing: http://www.surefiremarketing.com/affiliate/
Internet Marketing Center : http://www.marketingtips.com/assoc/#
Instant Sales Letters : http://www.instantsalesletters.com/?192
Scamfree Ltd : http://www.scamfreezone.com/assocs/
Host4Profit: http://www.host4profit.com/cgi-bin/home.cgi?15841
NetBreakThroughs: http://www.netbreakthroughs.com/revshare/ccShare.cgi?cmnd=home&id=affmatch
Autoresponders : http://www.aweber.com/
AdMinder Affiliate Program : http://www.adminder.com/aff/
Newbie Club: http://www.newbieclub.com/?sims
Amazon : https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/join/landing/main.html

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