Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Make Money and Get Paid Through Adsence

I can say with ease that earning and making money online, and that is without scratching your head, is an easy task now, in fact never been so easy before.

What is ADSENSE:

Adsense is the major and the biggest source of Google’s income. Google earn most of its revenue by publishing advertise on the WebPages of site owners. This program is know as AdWords.

Now you can also have share of the revenue that Google earn from their advertiser by displaying their adds on your WebPages, in other words, you have provided Google more play ground to play, given them your pages to display their AdWords and in return, Google will pay you some percentage of the income.


Why Google is Paying us:

From above one may think that Google has gone crazy!! And given away money for nothing, but thing is that they are the smartest people around here. They are charging the advertiser for advertise their product, services through web pages and the more pages an add can get for display the better it is for Google, the better it is for the advertiser, as they will get more coverage and scope, and so as for you as may earn a handful amount in return.

Step-by-Step approach on starts earning money through Adsense:

Even before building a website, my sincere suggestion is that you should come up with a topic that is of yours’ utter interest, this way you will always be motivated from inside to update the information and content. The more information you can provide, the higher would be your readers, and the higher would be your income.

Step 1: Create a web site or a Blog :

To start earning, you need to have a website. If don’t want to have one paid domain, you should always look for free domain, or in simple words if you don’t want to have a paid website, you should look for free services provider.
To name a few free web space provider-
Few more can be tested-

Paid web space provider –


Step 2: Join Adsense

Before joining Adsense make sure that your website or Blog must be having the following-
· Your web site must be having substantial amount of information.
· In long run, make sure your content should be original.
· Make sure your Blog must be having “About Me” section. This should be having some basic information about you.
· Your web site must be easy to follow and navigate. It should structured in neat and clean manner.
· Make sure your web site must be having at least 5-10 pages.
· Make sure it should be exact copy of some one page.
You already have that all?? What you waiting for?? Login to www.adsense.com and apply for Adsense. Usually it takes 48 hours for Google to approve your web site.

Step 3 : Advertise your Website or Blog

After your Blog get approved for advertise program, your very next job is to give exposure to your Blog. It is essential for building viewer ship, follow ship and hence the revenue. In the long run the better listing you got in Google, the better it is for you.

Each time a user search something or a keyword through search engine like Google, Yahoo Search, MSN search, Alta Vista, Free Boat or any other search engine, if you find yourself on high in the page, then consider that you will always get user in abundance.
This is called search engine optimization; I will explain the same in details in my other post.

The one way to improve your ranking is get your Blog register in numerous directories.
Here is the list of few directories, where you have to have your Blog listed. It’s free and won’t charge you anything. Other than free there are paid listing as well, but I recommend you to go for free one.

Google : http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Yahoo : http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
Scrub the Web : http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html
Bling : http://www.bing.com/docs/submit.aspx
Exact Seek : http://www.exactseek.com/add.html
Web World : http://www.webworldindex.com/
Viesearch : http://www.viesearch.com/submit.php
Wondex : http://www.wondex.com/submit.php
A1 Web Directory : http://www.a1webdirectory.org/
DMOZ : http://www.dmoz.org/add.html

Other than these, there are plenty more Web Directories/Search Engine, these can easily be found over the net, where you should submit your Web Blog.

Step 4: Updating your Web Blog:

The main reason for failure over the net is lack of patience, and zeal for continuation. Remember, one can’t become millionaire over the night here, but it takes a great amount of effort. My sincere suggestion is once you keep on providing quality information and regular updating to your Blog, at some point of time you will have followers of your Blog. Write an article at least once in a month, advertise it to every possible association of yours, friends, your email address book, your social networking website.
Remember you should always continue to add quality content to your web blog while staying on the course, if you don’t update your Blog regularly, your user may started to loose their interest.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paid Surveys

Members participate in state-of-the-art Web-based surveys about the hottest new technologies and software, e-commerce innovations, business-to-business products and services, and forces driving the global economy. Survey participation is always 100% voluntary, and all information provided remains confidential.
Questions may be single-choice, multiple-choice or open-end. In addition to the client's questions, we ask three demographic questions (gender, age and geographical region) free of charge in every survey.

If you sign up, you will have the opportunity to participate in research studies, provide feedback on existing and new products and services and gain opportunities to get rewarded. Membership is free of charge.
Here are some of the quality survey web sites where you can always earn and make money online.


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